Mental Floss the Science

Mental Floss the Science

Glutathione the Amazing Molecule of Life


People down through the ages have been looking for the latest and greatest cures for all our health woes. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was some “magic elixir” you could take to improve all areas of health. It would also be an added bonus if there were no nasty side effects from the pill.

 Mental Floss is a unique and novel combination of limonoids and Cystine showing promise in the modulation of cellular Glutathione. Early studies have repeatedly shown 65% to 85% tissue increases in Glutathione in the liver, brain, lung, and skin. These rates have been tested against NAC which is the drug standard. The most promising area is increased Glutathione and reactive oxygen species (free radicals) reduction in brain tissue. Free radicals have a high correlation to damage associated with Alzheimer's, and Stroke.

The glutathione, molecule was first isolated in human cells in 1888. The importance of this incredible molecule was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931. And for a good reason, this powerful antioxidant is one of the most protective molecules in the human body. Without adequate glutathione levels, you become at risk to some of the most feared health conditions facing us today.

But when we take adequate or high levels, then the magic happens. You’ll not only have protection from conditions like auto-immune disease and heart disease, but you will join those that have incredible energy, glowing skin, strong heart, and brain function.

The Mental Floss Advantage

Consisting of a tiny protein, capable of utilizing and recycling other important antioxidants, namely vitamins C, E, lipoic acid and CoQ10. Mental Floss Advantage is the first and only two factor approach to Glutathione Modulation. Recognizing that cystine has a good intestinal transport, Mental Floss incorporates this amino acid in a quantity in excess of 200mg (200mg being the researched minimum amount of cystine required to trigger any enzymatic activity at the cell membrane). Mental Floss supplies 900mg of cysteine via 450mg cystine.  Cystine being a double helix bond of Cysteine that immediately reduces at the cell membrane.


Glutathione performs many important roles in your health and wellbeing. Five of the most critical are:

  1. Anti-aging-higher levels of glutathione can help reverse the aging process, especially in the elderly. (a)
  2. Antioxidant protection-the anti-agers of the nutrient world (b)
  3. Detoxification -the bodies process of removing the garbage in our cells and even recycling it.(c)
  4. Energy production-located in cells inside mitochondria, the energy production plant of your body.(d)

(5) Skin health-reduces the appearance of wrinkles, increases elasticity of the skin.

Aids in Reducing Neurodegenerative Oxidation:

Dosage for adults: one capsule twice daily with food.







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